Here is the best kept weight loss secret... Overweight? It might not be your lack of self discipline or diet that is your problem According to a study at Emory University in Atlanta. Bad gut bacteria are making us fat!
Researchers claim that there is growing evidence that this bad bacteria boosts appetite, which might explain why some folks struggle more than others with weight gain.
Professor Andrew Gewirtz, who heads the study, also suggests that this bad bacterium affects the body's ability to create insulin that absorbs sugars from the bloodstream and transport them to muscle tissue, to be used as fuel. Instead they are stored as fat.
He goes on to add "People are becoming obese as they are eating more. However, our study suggests that the reason they are eating more and gaining weight, may not because of the extra calories available, but by an increased appetite due to changes in bacteria
Due to this bacteria change, this Insulin resistance can prompt the feeling of hunger, and therefore, regardless what diet program we are like to follow, we will always gain weight
To be honest, the information contained in the study published in the March copy of the journal Science, is not in fact the best kept weight loss secrete. Glenn Gibson, professor of food bioscience at the University of Reading, says that the link was first made a few years ago, but many researchers now believe that common micro-organisms are as much of a risk factor for obesity as a poor diet and lack of exercise
This theory is indorsed by none other than world-famous Dr Suzanne Gudakunst of syndicated cable television and equally famed expert in the fields of Alternative Medicine & Treatment, Advanced Health Technologies Development, and Corrective Dietary Implementation
In her book, she goes to great length to explain. That around 2002, when there was so much research and exploration going on concerning the human digestive system working in harmony with nutritional absorption, she started doing independent studies just to test things at first... but which later expanded after seeing some fantastic results."
This same woman medical practitioner went on to accurately determine a definitive correlation between harmful bacteria and parasitic infestations of the human bowel tract, and people suffering chronic obesity -- and who despite intense diet and exercise appeared to be unable to lose any weight whatsoever
Over the course of six years this Arizona doctor developed a number of natural treatments for the removal of these same harmful bacteria and when applied to even worse-case patients suffering extreme obesity she saw a 100% effectiveness and success rate.
Another woman Doctor, Elizabeth Weichselbaum, of the British Nutrition Foundation, adds "Emerging findings do suggest that the presence of some bacteria could explain why some people eat a healthy diet and still put on weight while others don't
So in fact this Weight Loss Secrete has been around for quite some time, Although, according to Professor Gibson, although there is no harm in taking a probiotic supplement, nobody knows exactly which particular strain of beneficial bacteria might be helpful in the fight against obesity.
Maybe the lady has the weight loss secret after all.
Information contained in this article is not meant to replace professional advice. Always check with your physician before starting any weight loss program.